OTA Programming with ESP8266 Shield Rev2.0

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OTA Programming with ESP8266 Shield Rev2.0

Postby seanyeots » Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:06 pm


May I know if there's an example of how the ESP8266 shield rev2.0 can be used for OTA programming on an Arduino Uno? As I've looked upon ArduinoOTA library, I'm having issues uploading .ino file onto esp8266 shield. Is the ESP8266 .exe flashing program the only way to upload firmware into the shield? Thanks.
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Re: OTA Programming with ESP8266 Shield Rev2.0

Postby Idris » Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:18 pm

Hi seanyeits,

In this video - Displaying Text Message on Dot Matrix Using Blynk and Arduino, we have program WiFi Shield through Maker Uno. Please take a look. Try upload a simple sketch first. Once you succeed, you can refer to this tutorial for OTA on ESP8266 ESP8266 OTA Updates with Arduino IDE | Over the Air.

Hope this helps. Thanks.
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