low5545 WROTE:I know that using bridge rectifiers ( http://www.cytron.com.my/viewProduct.php?pcode=DI-BR106&name=Bridge%20Rectifier%20BR106%20(10A600V) ) can convert AC voltage to DC voltage. Is it the same in AC-DC adapters? And using darlington transistor pairs can amplify the current of a voltage without any outside voltage help. (using transistors, not like op-amp) But is there an alternative component/circuit that does the same thing? And what component/circuit can be used to convert DC voltage back to AC voltage? Also what does a transfomer ( http://www.cytron.com.my/viewProduct.php?pcode=TF-6-0.5&name=Transformer%206V-0-6V%200.5A ) do?
And using darlington transistor pairs can amplify the current of a voltage without any outside voltage help. (using transistors, not like op-amp) But is there an alternative component/circuit that does the same thing?
If I want to amplify a 5V 40mA on a op-amp that is powered with the same voltage and current,
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