Sensor for firefighting Robot

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Sensor for firefighting Robot

Postby sooyongng » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:43 pm new to cytron.
I want to buy few sensor from here, but im confuse of the sensor part.
What sensor should i use to detect obstacle..? with simple circuit.

1. IR sensor, it faced a problem of my previous project, Line follower. It easily kacau by ambient light. If i use it in firefighting robot, my sensor has to sense range from 10cm to 20cm. It is very sensitive if i wan sense between that range. Please give me advice.
p/s: i've used one type of IR,RM1.50 per piece. Got better IR sensor? more range and won't kacau by room light and sunlight.

2. Ultrasonic. I don't even know how to use it, the circuit seems more complicated than IR sensor.

1. UVTron. Too expensive.

2. IR. can it detect candle flame?

3. heat detector. how to use it?
Pls advice me.

I'm seeking from your fast respond. Thanks!
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Re: Sensor for firefighting Robot

Postby ober » Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:00 pm

sooyongng WROTE:Obstacle
1. IR sensor, it faced a problem of my previous project, Line follower. It easily kacau by ambient light. If i use it in firefighting robot, my sensor has to sense range from 10cm to 20cm. It is very sensitive if i wan sense between that range. Please give me advice.
p/s: i've used one type of IR,RM1.50 per piece. Got better IR sensor? more range and won't kacau by room light and sunlight.

Yup, that's the common problem in low cost IR. if you to have better result, you might need to use IR distance sensor from sharp. Still we did not test it under fire or light source.

2. Ultrasonic. I don't even know how to use it, the circuit seems more complicated than IR sensor.

If don know, please check the User's Manual or data sheet. You can also refer to PR23 for explanation. It provide Analog output, PWM and UART.

1. UVTron. Too expensive.

2. IR. can it detect candle flame?

3. heat detector. how to use it?

UVtron is a better sensor to detect fire as most of fire emit UV.
Heat material will emit IR, thus IR sensor will confuse between body heat, light source and other material with fire.
heat detector? Basically temperature sensor is heat detector, but if the heat is being transfer to your robot, it is very huge fire, and is hard to tell where is the heat from.
Ober Choo
Cytron Technologies Sdn Bhd
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