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Clock Failure after long run (sleep and wake up routinely)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:27 am
by Sytan
Hi everyone,

I'm using PIC32MX775F256H in my application where the system will perform some operations every 10 min using RTC.
8Mhz Crystal and 32k Crystal are used to clock the PIC.
Everything is working fine except after long run, there is a chance the MCU not running right after it wakes up from sleep.

I have read about clock failure and FSCM in the reference manual and i did implement Two-Speed Start-up by adding the following lines of config code
#pragma config FCKSM = CSECME
#pragma config IESO = ON

My question is, if Two-Speed Start-up could not solve the problem, shall I use FSCM and Clock switching to solve the problem?
I am having confusion in implementing FSCM and clock switching too.
Will be very thankful if someone willing to share an idea in solving this.

Best Regards,