working with Arduino Ethernet through proxy server

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working with Arduino Ethernet through proxy server

Postby que63 » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:35 pm


I am working on a project that involves using Arduino Ethernet shield as a client that reads data from a web page. The problem is that I am using this project in the university network that has evrything running through a proxy server. On other networks such as my home network it can access the page and read the data easily.

I was thinking of modifying the Ethernet.h file myself but I luck a bit of networking knowledge so I didn't know how to begin. Is there a possible way out of this problem

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Re: working with Arduino Ethernet through proxy server

Postby kl84 » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:57 pm

I don't think you can bypass it by modifying the Arduino libraries... You can modify your home's router because you hold the admin authority, but not your uni's.
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Re: working with Arduino Ethernet through proxy server

Postby robosang » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:16 am

Yup, agreed with kl84.
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Re: working with Arduino Ethernet through proxy server

Postby radhashetty0 » Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:12 pm

However, you will need to configure your Arduino Ethernet board to use the proxy server settings.
Here are the general steps to follow:
-Determine the proxy server settings: You will need to find out the IP address and port number of the proxy server that you want to use.
-Configure the Ethernet library: In your Arduino sketch, you will need to use the Ethernet library to set up the Ethernet connection. To configure the library to use a proxy server, you will need to use the Ethernet Client class and the client. connect() function. For more details click here, CCNA Course in Pune.
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