HF RFID Reader 13.56MHz (Read & Write)

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HF RFID Reader 13.56MHz (Read & Write)

Postby Idris » Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:08 pm

This project shows the interfacing between HF RFID reader and PIC microcontroller.

Hardware diagram, consists of:
1. HF RFID Reader
2. PIC16F886
3. 13.56MHz Mifare-1 RFID Tags
4. Electronics component

The HF RFID specification:
~ Model: RDM880
~ R/W chip: MFRC500
~ Standard: ISO/IEC 14443 type A
~ Frequency: 13.56MHz
Product Link
Product Wiki Page

Communication Protocol:
[0xAA---Station ID---Length of Data---Command---Additional Data---XOR Checksum---0xBB]
Each com­mand begins with 0xAA and ends with 0xBB.
The XOR check­sum is cal­cu­lated by XOR’ing each byte of the msg, exclu­sive the 0xAA and 0xBB byte.
For detail you can refer to the links inside the Product Wiki Page.

~ Read UID no, start address 0x10, no of block = 1
~ Write UID no, start address 0x10, no of block = 1
~ Data: 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF (HEX: Total of 16 bytes)
~ Write UID no, start address 0x10, no of block = 1
~ Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000 (HEX: Total of 16 bytes)


Schematic and Source Code:
Schematic and Source Code.rar
(850.29 KiB) Downloaded 507 times

Enjoy it & Selamat Berpuasa! :D
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Re: HF RFID Reader 13.56MHz (Read & Write)

Postby robosang » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:39 pm

Idris, good project :mrgreen:

Is this the RFID card for Touch nGo? 8-) Or maybe those use in Hotel?
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Re: HF RFID Reader 13.56MHz (Read & Write)

Postby Idris » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:01 am

Oh, not sure about that, if you refer to this link, it says "the Touch n Go card is a contactless smart card, but this card can be purchased with an additional RFID transponder (where the smart card will be inserted) so that the toll booth reader can read the cards from a greater distance than the 10cm limit restricted by smart card standards."

And about the hotel card, I'm still thinking that it is contactless smart card because "there are certain limitations of the RFID technology, due to which smart cards are considered more secure. Firstly, in case of RFID there are certain privacy issues. Since it is an identification technology and that too contactless, there are chances that a nearby reader can read the tag and hence come to know the details of the products, without the holder’s knowledge. Whereas in the case of smart cards the information can be encrypted so that only an authorized reader can access the information."
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Re: HF RFID Reader 13.56MHz (Read & Write)

Postby khairul » Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:18 pm

Assalamulaikum (Peace to all)... Currently i try to play around using CR038 RFID R/W (from cytron)... i have made the programming to ON_ANTENNA, CARD_TYPE, ANTI_COLLISION and all was a success but when it come to SELECT CARD using NUID the system have no response... I have posted the problem here : viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12097#wrapper
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