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Firebase and Arduino Uno WiFi

Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:52 pm
by olivbe
I followed scrupulously instructions in :
Send Data to Firebase Using Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2
tutorial, (great tutorial thank you Idris) but unfortunately when running the program i got following error message :
Error: not found, 404 not found message emanating from line 80 of the program.
I have tried on a Linux machine as normal user and root with the same result.
What can I do to fix the thing.
Thanks, regards.
Re: Firebase and Arduino Uno WiFi

Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:11 am
by Idris
Hi olivbe,
Could you verify again that you entered the correct FIREBASE_HOST and FIREBASE_AUTH?
Maybe you can share a screenshot of your Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.
Re: Firebase and Arduino Uno WiFi

Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:23 pm
by olivbe
Hi Idris,
Thank you for your feedback.
I did enter the correct FIREBASE_HOST and FIREBASE_AUTH.
Below is copy and paste of Serial Monitor window content.
10:07:13.673 ->
10:07:13.673 -> Initialize IMU sensor... done
10:07:13.706 -> Accelerometer sample rate = 104.00 Hz
10:07:13.739 -> Connecting to WiFi.... IP:
10:07:17.824 ->
10:07:17.824 -> IMU present
10:07:20.016 -> ...the path choice seems to be not working
10:07:23.905 -> {"X":0.008057,"Y":-0.017456,"Z":0.999878}
10:07:25.867 -> Error: not found, 404 Not Found
10:07:25.900 -> Olala
10:07:25.933 ->
10:07:27.861 -> IMU present
10:07:29.788 -> ...the path choice seems to be not working
10:07:33.743 -> {"X":0.007813,"Y":-0.016235,"Z":1.007446}
10:07:35.703 -> Error: not found, 404 Not Found
10:07:35.736 -> Olala
Note that extra lines are present like
...the path choice seems to be not working and
since I added as an attempt to debug the program some Serial.println lines like :
// Send data to Firebase with specific path
if (Firebase.setFloat(firebaseData, path + "/1-setFloat/X", x)) {
Serial.println(firebaseData.dataPath() + " = " + x);
else {
Serial.println("...the path choice seems to be not working");
Thanks again, regards
Re: Firebase and Arduino Uno WiFi

Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:56 am
by olivbe
Hi Idris,
You were right Idris, problem was in FIREBASE_HOST :
I had entered name of database copied from the Project settings window as suggested in video, it was :
but I should have entered
ard-wifi-2-default-rtdb ahead of as present in realtime database window.
When line 13 of your program Idris was
#define FIREBASE_HOST ""
it worked like a charm.
Thanks again, regards
Re: Firebase and Arduino Uno WiFi

Tue Jan 10, 2023 9:33 am
by Arnaud
Hello thank you for this addition it also helped me a lot to start the program and see the first movements on the database Dris's tutorial is simple and fast thank you for that, moreover on this subject I made a big web application but that uses firestore and not real time database, do you believe that a library exists for firestore as well? if not do you think it is possible to communicate between the two types of databases to migrate data from RTDB => Firestore database? I would appreciate any advice on this subject so that I can do better research on the subject?