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Fan connector for SmartDrive 40B?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:14 am
by h00die
Hi - I wanted to connect a fan to my SmartDrive 40B motor driver, and have these questions:

1) what are the correct pin assignments for the 3-pin fan connector?
2) can I use a 2 wire 5v fan, or do I have to use a 3-wire fan with speed sensor?
3) what is maximum power consumption I can have on these pins?
4) how can I test proper fan operation?

I tried using the pin sequence described in the SmartDrive *30* manual, and the fan immediately turns on but at a very low speed as soon as the SmartDrive unit is powered on. I'm unsure if this is supposed to be this way (fan runs continuously, but at low speed until cooling is needed?) or if I have it mis-wired?


Re: Fan connector for SmartDrive 40B?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 9:54 am
by waiweng83
1. Please see attachment.

2. 2 wire is enough. The 3rd pin is not connected.

3. Approx. 500mA.

4. Those pins are hardwired to 5V and GND and the fan will be always ON when the motor driver is powered up. There is no speed control available for the fan.

Re: Fan connector for SmartDrive 40B?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 6:11 am
by h00die
Excellent, thank you for the confirmation. Can this information be added to the user manual as well?

Thanks again!