Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

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Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

Postby clarenceooi » Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:59 pm

Hi, I follow the manual and try to test the LED,BMP, DS3231 clock, and PCF8574 in Python folder.

For LED test, I can run the python and see the expected result.
For BMP280,sudo an error message occurred: Read BMP280 id error!
For DS3231, the command return time and date but it is at 200/00/00 00:00:00 Sat, and no change in second although the line
keep running.
For PCF8574, the command line return "left", but nothing happen when I push the joystick left, or any other directions.

Looks like only LED is working, please advise. Thanks.
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Re: Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

Postby ZaM » Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:30 pm


Sorry about that, we will verify with manufacturer first (Waveshare).
Because all library is seen created at 2015.

Verification will take time.
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Re: Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

Postby clarenceooi » Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:09 pm

Please get them to confirm also whether the BMP onboard the Pioneer600 is BMP180 or BMP280. Both of them are included in the folder but I believe the hardware should be only one. I tried to use magnifying glass to see the chip but there is no indication of model. I can only see a label "OTQ KW".

Thank you.


Sorry about that, we will verify with manufacturer first (Waveshare).
Because all library is seen created at 2015.

Verification will take time.
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Re: Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

Postby ober » Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:02 am

From the diagram and schematic, it is BMP280. But we will verify that on the actual hardware.
Ober Choo
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Re: Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

Postby clarenceooi » Fri Mar 22, 2019 12:42 pm

Hi, I tried to run the and it is running, so should be BMP280. However the reading is totally out, temperature is 31 degree Celsius and Pressure is 100.5kpa. But I am in a aircon room of about 21 degree Celsius.

Please advise, thanks.

ober WROTE:From the diagram and schematic, it is BMP280. But we will verify that on the actual hardware.
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Re: Can not run the test program of Pioneer600 HAT

Postby ober » Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:09 am

Can you try to heat up the BMP280 maybe by blowing your breath to it? The pressure reading is kind of close to standard atmospheric pressure, which is 101.325kpa (according to Wiki:

As for the higher temperature reading, according to supplier, it is due to the heat generated by raspberry pi itself when it is in operation.

If the reading changes to higher as you blow hot air to it, it should be working.
Ober Choo
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