Can control "Walking with Cytron Servo Motor " using SKPS ?

i want buy a "Walking with Cytron Servo Motor" robot with modify using SKPS.
As my knowledge walking robot are using PIC16F876A ,this micro-controller only have a pair of TX and RX pins. After plug in the SC16A in micro-controller, i found that no more TX and RX pins for plug in SKPS.
so my question is:
can i plug SKPS in another pins of the micro-controller except TX and RX pins ?
if cant, what type of the micro-controller that have 2 pair of TX and RX pins ?
can you provide Schematic and Sample Source Code (c and hex) for modify?
i very very need you help. Because i want present a control walking robot to my brother birthday,is so meaningful if can make by own hand.
Thank you.
As my knowledge walking robot are using PIC16F876A ,this micro-controller only have a pair of TX and RX pins. After plug in the SC16A in micro-controller, i found that no more TX and RX pins for plug in SKPS.
so my question is:
can i plug SKPS in another pins of the micro-controller except TX and RX pins ?
if cant, what type of the micro-controller that have 2 pair of TX and RX pins ?
can you provide Schematic and Sample Source Code (c and hex) for modify?
i very very need you help. Because i want present a control walking robot to my brother birthday,is so meaningful if can make by own hand.
Thank you.