Changing Baud Rate of KC wirefree bluetooth adapter

Bluetooth, XBee, RF......

Changing Baud Rate of KC wirefree bluetooth adapter

Postby ganeish23 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:38 pm

I have recently purchased KC wire free Bluetooth adapter (Product code - KC 121) from Cytron. I realised that behind the bluetooth adapter board there are some switches.

What are the purpose of these switches? Would it be possible to change the baud rate by configuring these switches?

I would also like to know if there is any other ways to manually change the baud rate of the bluetooth adapter. Thanks :)
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Re: Changing Baud Rate of KC wirefree bluetooth adapter

Postby diaane » Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:36 pm

Dear ganeish23,

One of the DIP switches behind the adapter is for you to disable or enable streaming. The 3 others switches are reserved for future usage. Hence, it is not possible to alter the baud rate by manipulating those switches.

As for ways to change the baud rate, you'll have to do it manually by passing commands to the bluetooth module. You can find out more about the settings here:

Hope I've answered your question and enjoy finding your ways in wireless environment~!
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