10Amp DC Motor Driver FAQ

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10Amp DC Motor Driver FAQ

Postby Xsu » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:08 am


Good morning.

I have purchase Cytron (10Amp DC Motor Driver with the of Product Code : MD10C) lately.
In order to control the motor motion, there are two major control signal to activate it, which are PWM signal and DIR signal.
For my application, I need to control latch solenoid, which the plunger will move up and down. I cannot visualize how the MD 10C driver really work, but I assume it act like normal H-bridge circuit, please correct me if I am wrong.

If I want to control the up and down motion of the solenoid, can I supply PWM signal (form PIC) to DIR pin (MD10C), while 5V to PWM pin (MD10C).
Will it move the solenoid up and down follow the frequency of the PWM signal from the PIC? Regarding the power input for motor, will it affect anythings or all just act like normal. (in order word, no addition step needed for the power supply part)

Please advice.

Appreciate for your time.

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Re: 10Amp DC Motor Driver FAQ

Postby waiweng83 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:25 am

May I know what types of solenoid are you using? Usually we don't control the speed of the solenoid and thus we don't need to use PWM.
Yes, the MD10C is a H-Bridge driver. You can just connect the PWM and DIR pin to the normal IO of the PIC, and control the direction of the solenoid according to the truth table as stated in the user manual.
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Re: 10Amp DC Motor Driver FAQ

Postby Xsu » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:39 am

Thanks for your advice, Wai Weng.

I am using latch solenoid, where the plunger will move with the variation of the electromagnetic flux. For my application, the solenoid act as actuator to move the cylinder up and down. The frequency of the plunger will affect the performance of the cylinder. I plan to used PWM frequency to control the frequency of the plunger with the PWM (PIC) input to the DIR pin, for example, if I set my duty cycle for 50 percent, frequency for 100 Hz, for the first 50% duty cycle (which means 50Hz), the plunger will move up. For another 50%, the plunger will move down(after the 50Hz) due to the low signal from PWM pulse.

Does it make practical?


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Re: 10Amp DC Motor Driver FAQ

Postby Xsu » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:42 pm

Hi, I just realise that the mode that I try to used is Locked antiphase mode PWM, where the PWM signal is 5V while DIR is feed with PWM signal from PIC. HOwever, when I connect, the LED A keep on light ON while LED B is blinking, which I expect both LED A and LED B will blinking.

Does the circuit is spoilt?

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Re: 10Amp DC Motor Driver FAQ

Postby waiweng83 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:56 pm

Oh, now i got what you meant.

So you are using locked antiphase pwm and the position of the solenoid is depending on the PWM duty cycle, am I right?
Your connection seems like is correct (PWM from MCU connected to the DIR pin of MD10C, 5V connected to the PWM pin of MD10C).

However, if your PWM frequency is high enough, both LED A and LED B should not blink. for 50% PWM duty cycle, both the LEDs should have the same brightness. If the duty cycle is > 50% or < 50%, one of the LED will be brighter than another one.

For the board supply, are you using the Vin or the Power In? Try to use Vin if it's possible. Another thing you can check is connect both the PWM and DIR pin to gnd, then press the A or B button. The corresponding LED should light up.
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