Seeking advice for my final year project (Robot Soccer)..

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Seeking advice for my final year project (Robot Soccer)..

Postby johnson h'ng » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:15 pm


I am Johnson and now studying major in System and Networking. I currently doing my Final Year Project. My FYP is regarding "robot soccer". The idea of my robot is it will able to detect where the ball is and it able to PUSH it toward the goal. I want the robot run in autonomously
I need some suggestion and some advice on it. Can you all guide me and teach me?

I have did some research about the components. Can you all help me check it or anything to add?

1) PIC16f877 - coz i just learn PIC 877.
2) DC motor * 2 - 12V, 30rpm
3) 2 wheels
4) Lipo Battery
5) ultrasonic sensor *3 ( to scan for the ball)
6) line sensor ( to able it to lead to the goal)
6) perspex
7) resistor
8) capacitor
9) LED
10) PCB board

I found this Multifunction Mobile Robot PR23. I would like to ask is this robot able to apply in my FYP ? can i straight use this robot for my FYP?
Is that the price is RM330 for ready made? ... FbTUEt8%3D

Thank You for helping me.
johnson h'ng
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:55 pm

Re: Seeking advice for my final year project (Robot Soccer).

Postby robosang » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:26 pm

1. Good that you ask here.
2. Funny that you did research but still a lot of misunderstand 8-) No offend, just pointing out my opinion.

I currently doing my Final Year Project. My FYP is regarding "robot soccer". The idea of my robot is it will able to detect where the ball is and it able to PUSH it toward the goal. I want the robot run in autonomously

1. How can the robot detect there is ball? Using ultrasonic range sensor? Concept seem to be correct, practical - NO! Ultrasonic range sensor will give your range from the sensor to anything that block it. So how can you differentiate wall and ball, also the goal? Except you don have any walls and poles in the game field, so the ball is the highest object, OK, that's is possible, yet still not practical :)
2. How can line direct you to goal? So there are many line coming out from the goal? If so, how can the robot know which direction to follow? The robot can follow line in 2 directions, one towards the goal, one away from goal.

If you study the normal robot soccer, they have camera to handle the ball detection, orientation and more. If you want to do this, you will need to put a lot of assumption into the game field, for example, there is no wall, no pole, etc.

and for Cytron DIY project, as many as I have bought, they come in lost parts, is a DIY (Do It Yourself) project.
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Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:37 pm

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